HighView Blog

Is the bond market flashing the recession sign? Should we care?

By Dan Hallett on August 23rd, 2011

Neither I nor our firm makes high level calls on the economy.  We refrain from peering into our crystal ball in part because the best time to invest is often when the economic news and data are seemingly at their worst.  But that doesn’t...

Preserving What's Been Accumulated

By HighView Financial on August 8th, 2011

By Mark Barnicutt, MBA, FCSI, CFA OVERVIEW The recent market volatilities have served as a strong reminder that investing in a globally, intertwined economy of sovereign debt issues is distinctly different than the twenty-five year period prior to...

Putting funds through the bear market test

By Dan Hallett on August 4th, 2011

The Globe & Mail’s Rob Carrick recently wrote about the lessons learned from those investments that lost the most in calendar 2008.  One of his most important points is in the very first sentence where he wrote,  “Never buy an...

Should the number of bets affect confidence level in a manager’s value-added?

By Dan Hallett on July 29th, 2011

In this morning’s Globe & Mail, Shirley Won has an article on portfolio manager Noah Blackstein.  While yours truly is quoted in this piece, I mention it here because the article touches on a topic that I’ve been mulling for some...

Fund Facts a good start, but risk rating & suitability get thumbs-down

By Dan Hallett on July 13th, 2011

A new regulatory initiative – i.e. Mutual Fund Point of Sale – was launched this year in an attempt to better inform investors about the investment funds in which they invest.  The key feature of this Point of Sale initiative was to...

Enhancing The Quality Of Your Retirement Life

By HighView Financial on July 7th, 2011

So much effort in the wealth management industry is placed on helping families plan for sufficient investment assets during their retirement years – which is important but it’s not the whole story — as often times, the...

The relevance of YTM & the impact of rising rates

By Dan Hallett on July 7th, 2011

Last week, I wrote about not reading too much into distributions paid by bond mutual fund and bond exchange-traded funds.  I admit to being surprised by the sensitive chord this struck with many investors.  In the spirit of brevity and focus, I...

Distribution rate does not equal yield

By Dan Hallett on June 26th, 2011

It’s easy to be seduced by what appears to be a proverbial ‘free lunch’ in the investment world.  Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the world of fixed income (i.e. bonds and bond-like investments).  There are many potential...

Welcome To The Family Wealth Management Business

By HighView Financial on June 21st, 2011

According to various estimates, there are currently approximately 28,000 households in Canada with investable assets in excess of $10 Million.  Although these households represent a very small portion of the total households in Canada (<1%),...

Swinging for the fence is not a sustainable wealth strategy

By Dan Hallett on June 18th, 2011

Some of my partners and I recently met with investors that have some commonalities pertaining to how they built their significant wealth.  Each of these investors, through a combination of hard work and good fortune, amassed significant wealth by...

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